Welcome to the main project page for Xi3D, "(k)zee-three-dee" !
This project is based upon source code developed and released under
open license by
Sun Microsystems, Inc.
and is independently being maintained by one of the
original authors who currently serves as a
Web3D.org Director.
Xi3D is a 3D scene graph and runtime for modeling and rendering X3D
content. It was designed as a programmers toolkit to jumpstart
browsers on Sun's Java3D. It contains example browsers, file converter
utilities, sample tests, and at least 20 combined human years of
Several projects have sprung forth from the vrml-java3d days, including
Xj3D ( yes 'J' ) which was the project from Sun to define XML - 3D over
VRML'97 types that eventually became a very close proximate to the new
standard. Xj3D has branched off and has a large ammount of
development in its own right, to the point that it really is not
architecturally Xj3D anymore without being called a 2.0 or 3.0, and
that is where Xi3D buds from, with different goals and interests in
mind, the classic lite version.
The state of the code is remarkably decent, runs better now than ever.
Needs some work to bring some of the newer X3D nodes in.
The specification team changed all of time and the meaning of "now" in
the spec after much debate, it was determined that the time spec
couldn't be determined and was completely and not compatilby rewritten
rather than fix a simple math assumption. If anybody wants to talk
about unit time loop events and synchronized interpolators, vs. hard
time coded interpolators ( eg, this thing is set to go off at 8pm
12/19/02, how do I restart the simulation again? ) this is the place.
Xi3D will adhere to the original intent of the time spec and do what it
can to factor out infinity from the new one. A few half bakers dozen
other odds and nuts to be trimmed and tightened, so expectations aside,
the code will take some effort to get it to X3D 2003 compliance.
The other main thrust of this effort is to make X3D run on embedded
systems. These may not have Java3D available. Xi3D will eventually do
its own rendering. Much work has gone into this area by Aniviza, Inc.
and needs to be integrated back into the code.